Tenant Resources

Winterization Checklist

The below checklist to prepare your home for winter, this will help you to keep warm and prevent any un-necessary repair costs.
Important Steps to Preparing Your Rental for Winter
□ Prevent Plumbing Freezes Disconnect and drain garden hoses. Most frozen pipes are a result of failure to disconnect hoses or turn off shut off valves. If you have shutoff valves for your hose spigots in your house or basement, don’t forget to turn them off. Insulate any exposed plumbing pipes.
□ Fireplace If your home has a fireplace, be sure the chimney is cleaned and ready for use before lighting any fires! Inspect the flue and make sure it closes properly to eliminate draft when fireplace is not in use.
□ Windows & Doors If your home has storm door(s), be sure to place the glass in position as many storm/screen doors require you to slide the glass into place when the weather gets colder. If the home has storm windows, remember to close them or replace them properly. (You’d be surprised how many people remove their storm windows to install window unit air conditioners)
□ Window Air Conditioners You should not have any air conditioners in the windows. If you do, remove them immediately and replace the windows in their proper positions.
□ Roof & Gutters Check your roof for loose or broken shingles and report any to owner. Be sure your gutters have been cleaned free of leaves, sticks and debris, so you will have proper drainage.
□ Smoke Detectors, fire extinguishers and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Test your detectors to make sure they work. Replace batteries if needed. Have spare batteries available
Have a safe and warm winter!
