Tenant Resources

AC Maintenance

It is necessary to change or clean your heating and air conditioning filters at regular intervals - preferably every two months. Maintaining a clean filter will save you money in energy costs and will prolong the life of the entire system. Who wants to bear the discomfort of being without A/C during a heat wave because the filter was completely clogged?
Disposable filters can be purchased at Home Depot, Lowes, and even some grocery stores.
Regularly cleaning the filter not only saves you money, but it reduces the amount of dust in your home. Just as a clogged artery will have a negative impact on your heart, so a clogged filter will have a negative impact on your HVAC system.
PS. Here is a Bonus Tip: If you who frequently fry foods, cleaning the range exhaust fan filter can be a real pain in the neck! Once a week remove the filter and run it through the dishwasher. Not only is it easier to keep clean, but it reduces the chances of having a grease fire.
